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Paola Sanguinetti e Andrea Bocelli   15 Giugno 2005 - The Irish Time (Cork) by Dan Buckley
"Andrea Bocelli was much less persuasive in duets, but Paola Sanguinetti proved a sensitive collaborator and, in many ways, she stole the show from him with a voice both vibrant e sweet. Both tenor and soprano were rewarded repeatedly with rapt, heartfelt applause"

5 Marzo 2005 - Diario Extra (Costarica) by Ariel Chaves Gonzales
"El tenor Andrea Bocelli y la soprano Paola Sanguinetti confirmaron que la voz humana puede llegar a niveles insospechados... Junto a él hay que destacar la calidad se la soprano Paola Sanguinetti, quien canta como los dioses."

5 Marzo 2005 - La Nation(Costarica) by Vanessa Bravo
"Bocelli cediò, en ese momento, su lugar a la soprano Paola Sanguinetti, quien con una voz de amplio registro y muchos matices interpretò “Donde lieta uscì”, de Puccini. La gente le aplaudiò con gusto. Sin embargo, uno de los momentos climaticos del recital estaba por llegar: la interpretacion de Vissi d’Arte, por parte de la soprano Paola Sanguinetti… Y claro, cuando Bocelli y Sanguinetti cantaron el dueto O soave fanciulla, la gente estallò en aplausos y elogios."

14 Febbraio 2005 - The Journal (Newcastle)
"No less brilliant was his glamorous co-star, soprano and fellow italian Paola Sanguinetti. They have sung together many times and their duets – climaxing in the old favourite O Sole Mio – nearly lifted the roof ."

15 Gennaio 2005 - Diario de Notizia (Madeira - Portugal) by Jose Salvador
"Andrea Bocelli’s interpretative genious illuminated the Tecnopolo tonight, where the Tuscany, accompanied by Paola Sanguinetti (soprano) and by conductor Carlo Bernini (pianoforte), realized the first two concerts presented as part of the program “Madeira European Region 2004”... To the dilight of the attendees, during two hours magic sound heard at the Tecnopolo, which proved that good music can be a pleasure for the senses. And two thousand demonstraded with prolongued ovation to Andrea Bocelli, Paola Sanguinetti and to Carlo Bernini, stars of an unforgettable night."

5 Novembre 2004 - Movies and Concerts U.K. (Belfast)
"Andrea Bocelli’s appearance at the Odyssey Arena was probabily one of the greatest draws to a Belfast venue in recent times... Supporting Bocelli whit an equally stunning performance was soprano Paola Sanguinetti, singing both solo and in duet."

6 Novembre 2004 - Belfast Telegraph by Paul O'Reilly
"Throughout the evening Bocelli was joined on the stage by the soprano Paola Sanguinetti whose dramatic delivery was a perfect foil to the tenor’s rousing expression.. There was a tangible rapport between the singers and conductor Marcello Rota who obtained subtlety and passion from a well marshalled orchestra while simultaneously providing adequate support for the two soloists."

20 Ottobre 1998 - Il Giornale
"…è stato con questo tipo di canzoni che Bocelli, in coppia con il soprano Paola Sanguinetti ha ottenuto gli applausi più calorosi all'M.C.Center di Washington."

20 Ottobre 1998 - The Washington Post by L. Peat O'Neil
"…Soprano Paola Sanguinetti accompanied Bocelli for several songs; the combination of their voices added a romantic energy that was no doubt appreciated by the couples snuggled in each other's arms throughout the concert. After the emotional toil of listening to Bocelli, Sanguinetti's calming "Vilja" aria from the Lehar's "The Merry Widow" was a welcome lull."

14 Ottobre 1998 - Miami Herald by James Roos (music critic)
"…in Il sol dell'anima from Rigoletto, with Paola Sanguinetti's lustrous soprano to bolser the brilliance and emotionalism."

14 Ottobre 1998 - The Palm Beach Post (Miami)- by Tom Smith
"This, however, was no one-man show. For the next selection, he brought Paola Sanguinetti, who settled right in on the duet "Il sol dell'anima" from Rigoletto…
Sanguinetti won hearts, too, with Puccini's classic "O mio babbino caro" and Lehar's Aria di Vilja…… Sanguinetti returned for another solo…..the passion surfaced in the encores, four of them, "O sole mio", "The merry widow", his pop hit "Time to say goodbye" with Sanguinetti."

7 Ottobre 1998 - El Mercurio (Santiago del Cile)
"…la noche se cerrò con varias canciones italianas y con el sperado "Por ti volaré" cantado a duo con la soprano Paola Sanguinetti."

1 Settembre 1997 - Berliner Zeitung
"Time to Sing" mit Andrea Bocelli in der Waldbühne…… solo und im Duett der wunderbaren Sopranistin Paola Sanguinetti..."

27 Giugno 1997 - Il Resto del Carlino
"…e poi un finale strepitoso con i duetti che Bocelli ha eseguito in coppia con Paola Sanguinetti..."

9 Giugno 1997 - Corriere del Ticino
"… Andrea Bocelli, accompagnato inoltre in alcuni brani dalla brava soprano Paola Sanguinetti..."

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